Movement For Mia

Mia woken up today (Letter from Mum)

Dear Mia,

I am so sorry my beautiful darling.  You are having such a rough time.  I wish I could do more for you.  I feel so helpless and useless.  You are such an amazing strong, beautiful little girl.  It has been so scary watching you so ill.  I feel so scared, sad, panicked, guilty, exhausted, worried, shocked, numb and many other emotions.  I love you so much.  I am trying to be optimistic.  I can’t believe this horrible illness has infected your lovely body.  You are amazingly strong my darling.

You were woken up today and I felt scared you wouldn’t be our Mia anymore.  Thankfully you are the same!  I can’t believe it.

I am so hopeful for our future and we are here always to support, care and love you.  We are with you every step of the way and will never leave your side.

Here’s hoping tomorrow will be a good day and we can do this.

I love you so much Mia,




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