Movement For Mia

12 days back in hospital with Septic Arthritis. :(

Day 12: Home today or tomorrow!!!! Can’t wait. 
The result from her blood test today showed her CRP inflammation markers down. 
Her knee was redressed and she has a bright red cast on.
She has no temperatures and no pain. Hopefully her knee will heal well and quickly. 
We found it funny that tiny teddy biscuits are amputees with their little prosthetic legs in the packet. Tee hee


Day 10: Sleeping in. A good day for it as it’s raining outside. 
Mia had a good night but she is woken quite a few times for IV antibiotics and obs. Maybe we’ll be home next week if she is well over the weekend.

Mia’s temperatures are gone and her energy has returned. Yay!!! We were allowed to leave hospital for Grandma’s 70th birthday celebrations for a whole 6 hours!! Woo hoo. Here’s hoping we will be out of hospital soon. 

Day 9: Doing ok. Temperature still up and down. Energy levels up and down. The doctors are generally happy with how Mia is going but keeping a really good eye on her. So hopefully Mia’s temperatures were from a virus.

A nice outing to Southbank. Thank goodness the hospital is close to the lovely Brisbane Southbank and city.
But why do hospitals put custard with everything???

Brisbane you are beautiful. Mia really wanted to go out to see the lights tonight. A special evening. She is thankful to the people who spent so many hours putting up the lights in the trees. They are very magical and bring happiness. So so glad and relieved that Mia’s energy is returning.

Day 8: On the mend we think. No temperatures today. Her knee is really sore but the pain medicines are doing a good job. We had a nice visit from a music therapist. CLICK FOR MIA SINGING!

Day 7: Back to surgery this morning for her knee to have another wash out. Unfortunately Mia’s temperature went up a bit last night. She is in a bit of pain now. ðŸ˜¥
Oh poppet. Hopefully this infection will go away soon and her pain will ease.

Day 6: A tiring day for lovely Mia. A MRI this morning to check how her knee is going, a walk over the river and then fun with visitors.

Dear little Mia, I wish I could make you all better. It suxs so much being back in hospital. She is so strong and brave and amazing. Me, not so much. So many tears and emotions. I love you so much.

Day 5: Mia will be in hospital this week. Results indicate it was a Staph infection. They want to keep an eye on her this week and give IV antibiotics. Hopefully her blood test tomorrow will show the antibiotics are doing their job.

Day 4: Pete is with Mia today and they went to Southbank. She is looking great. Your health is the most important, valuable thing in your life!!


Day 3: A bit of a rough night with a few spews. But Mia is generally doing ok with good temperatures, blood pressure etc. They will take blood tests tomorrow to see how her body is going with the infection. Not sure what the bacteria was yet so she is still on broad spectrum antibiotics. Today a drain tube was removed from her knee as there wasn’t much fluid coming out and it was nice pink clear fluid. 
Here’s hoping Mia will continue to be amazing and be back to her bouncy fun self soon. 
Thanks so much everyone for your lovely words, kindness and amazing support. You all have helped us immensely to maintain our strength.


Day 2: Oh why can’t life be smoother??? Mia had septic arthritis in her knee joint. Basically an infection in her knee. She seems ok today. Not much pain. Just have to wait to see if the antibiotics sort out this infection. She will be on IV antibiotics for a while and then oral antibiotics. Hopefully not in hospital too long. 
Not a wonderful night in a shared room with a screaming baby. 

Day 1: Please please send us your love and support. Freaking out!!!!! Back at hospital and surgery soon. Mia has a swollen knee and they think its infected. She didn’t have any skin wounds or anything. She is going in for surgery soon to have it flushed out. Oh our poor little Mia. I wish i could do more and fix everything.

4 Comments   Respond

  1. Hi Mia and Family.. Saw your remarkable Story on TV Tonight and was so touched by how much Mia and the family have been through due to Sepsis.. I cannot imagine how much support and guidance you now require to make Mia’s life so much easier. Reading all the blogs and stories she is one little Super Hero… Thinking of you all.. It definitely puts your life into perspective when you unfortunately see stories like this happening.. Love and Best Wishes Mia.. Simon & Leah Galloway XX

    1. Thank you very much Simon and Leah for your lovely words and support. She is an amazing little girl and she is very brave. Her positivity leads the way. xx

  2. Your little Mia is so amazing.. I too watched your story on TV and made me cry.. you are just wonderful parents and it must break your heart to see what she has to go through..hope she is progressing well but life must be a real battle for you and your darling little girl… my love and thoughts to you all xx

  3. We have a son in prep at your school and came across this blog in the school newsletter. We will proudly wear our Silly Socks to support you on world sepsis day. You are incredibly brave and you always have a smile every time we see you xx

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